John Prabhudoss supports school choice

Parental Empowerment in Education

I believe parents and local school boards, through community engagement, are best equipped to determine appropriate curricula, standards, and use of funds for their schools. I will work to implement policies giving parents more control over how the school funds are utilized and not the Federal government. This approach fosters cooperation and balances local accountability with the need for funding equity across districts. Empowering the voices most invested in our schools – parents and their boards – is key to giving our next generation the tools to succeed.

John Prabhudoss supports our troops


Our Military personnel need the most comprehensive and advanced Veteran care services. Issues such as PTSD are causing serious problems in families. We need to think out of the box to improve care. We need to invest more in recruitment and increase support of strategic readiness. We should let the military commander make their decisions while keeping politics out.

John Prabhudoss supports small business

Empowering Small Businesses

Small businesses face unfair disadvantages competing against large corporations, who impose unreasonable contract demands that are difficult to contest. Plumbers, electricians, HVAC, and neighborhood hardware and retail stores are the backbone of our communities. In Congress, I will support legislation that levels the playing field by providing small business owners with affordable legal services and a dedicated advocacy office to investigate predatory practices. With the right support, small businesses can thrive and continue driving local innovation.

John Prabhudoss will slash your taxes


 In Congress, I will work towards reducing federal taxes on medium and lower-income families while opposing any attempt to increase the taxes.

